1. Do not clutter your post with OOC: comments. These comments can be dealt with on the chatbox, if the person you are RPing with happens to be active. If not, then small OOC: comment are permitted.
2. Try to avoid one-liners, though not neccesarily a violation ... it is an insult to posting ettiquete for one-liners to be posted, unless you HAVE to post and you HAVE NOTHING else to say.
3. Speech/Dialogue in "BOLD", Thoughts in "ITALICS", Writing in normal font.
4. One character per account, unless you kill off you current character to make a new CS and rename your account.
5. Please ... please ... please, no multi-posting in multiple topics. You are one person with one physical being, thus you can only be in one place at one time(UNLESS, you have the ability to make clones of yourself or warp anywhere instantenously). When leaving a topic to go to another one, please post saying you ARE leaving and WHERE you are going to.